Wednesday, June 11, 2008

What the hell?

Another late night rambling.
Sorry new meds, new attitude. he hehe ... yeah most of you would never like me. But I really don't care. I'm tired of caring. I just want to rant and rave and be pissed off. Life sucks, so what, all we are working for is to die.
Tonights rant will have a focus though. Far be it from me to make any sense at all. This goes on to a very common subject for, well, everyone. Dating, and more specifically since I am a guy (note did not say man. I'm male and there are certain qualifications to really be a man) women.
The last couple of days I have had the "pleasure" of listening to women complain about how their men treat them. None of them good. Then hearing the usual crying why arent' there any good men left. I have two words for that.

Fuck off.

Where did we go? We didn't just get up and leave you chased us away. Any good man comes along and we get thrown to the way side like a piece of garbage because we aren't exciting enough or we are too shy or something like that. Doesn't fucking matter how good we would be for you. If you do have to be worried that we might hit you it's not exciting to you and we are nothing. Fucky you.
There's no good reason for men to be good anymore. Cause there are no good women. If you want to be treated right guess what. There are plenty of good men out there who would walk through fire for you, but you fucking women don't give a shit cause we're not exciting enough for you.
God you want us to not judge you for being imperfect but for some fucking reason us not being so is a sin, unless it's treating you like shit and then it's ok. What the hell?
So tell me this, a man who has tons of confidence, but treats you like shit is worth more then a man who is a little shy, but will stop time for you? What the hell is wrong with you.
And if any of you are reading this going "I want a man like that, I would never be like that." Bull shit. I've been handing that example first hand and had it blow up in my face. The last 2 women I have even been interested in dating have stood me up. Have lied to me, and have especially the last one made promises that she never kept and wondered why I'd get mad. lets see now, maybe it's cause you've outright lied to me to make yourself look better?
She even made the speech about how she didn't want to do that to me and didn't want to just be the next girl on the list. Well guess what she is. "Someday you're gonna find someone and make them very happy, and I'll be very Jealous." Bull shit, if you meant that at all you wouldn't have treated me the way you have. You claim to be a friend, but I don't need any enemies with friends like you.
Come on I hear all these stupid women having such troubles and letting these jerks walk all over when guys who would do anything are being thrown aside. What the hell? Ever wonder why Love and Lie start and end with the same letter? Cause they do the same.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Honestly that was a fantastic rant!